Q: How to Nourish our Soul during Difficult Times?

A: There is no difference between difficult or good times. The soul is always nourished of the love of God and its development is confronted in the practice of the daily living.
 Difficulties are part of the journey, while in the sea of life, which are inevitable at times. But the human being does not separate or come near the truth, because of that.

 The great changes and visions of the consciousness do not happen on the outside. They happen in the more private world of the consciousness, where it is discovered how to appreciate the mysteries of creation, which have to totally do with the intention, with the work, the action and the reason,  which means,  the definition of good, true and justice.

 All this emanates from the eternal and sacred presence of God, Which is always constant, in any time. He never varies. He is the perfect absolute. He is infinitely merciful. The understanding of the mystery of faith, allows us to be constantly nourished of His Presence. But not like predators devouring the prey. But rather by participating in His eternal call of Love.


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 Mr. Oscar Basurto Carbonell.

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