Q: How to have hope when
we are experiencing hard times?
A: Hope is sustained in faith and is not conditioned to easy or difficult moments. Every work that we do in life, implies effort, sacrifice and dedication. The person who follows the spiritual path, does not limit herself to the easy moments since she is like a person climbing a mountain, who keeps her focus in the work and her attention in the goal. Having good, justice and truth as source of support. The difficult times pass as well as the easy ones. And this must never affect hope, faith and love, which are not only commitments but decisions of life. These decisions do not change like the weather. They are deep and must be truly felt. The spiritual life is not a path of flowers. It is to edify that path with devotion, which never decreases in the spirit who is sincere, because the reason is not to search for a crown, but to be of service to Divine Love. |
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