Extraterrestrial Life

Comments/Experiences Received


Thank you so very much, once more, for your testimonies and your selfless collaboration. We have received many testimonies, which we consider, extremely interesting and of course, credible.
We are going to share some of them. The title of this testimony:
"The Night that I will never forget"
Personal Note: Persons may see this like something out of a novel, like a joke, or like hallucination or fantasy, but, that night, for me, was inevitably real.
An Account of What Happened
The news from time to time, are, to say it as it is," seasoned."
The issue of flying objects not identified, and the world of the OVNI and all that ufology was for me, something colorful, but nothing else, nevertheless, I am going to reveal, what I kept to myself, for a long time because who can understand this?
Since most of the news make fun of all these stories. But I believe that in this place, Mystic Healing Art web site, they take with skill and respect these experiences of the many who keep to themselves and hide theirs.
But today, I decided to tell my experience, I will do it in a very short way:
That night, I turned the light off, ready to take to reflection, many things that were happening in my life and require of my attention. The darkness of the room was imposing its presence, I started to relax my body and my thoughts, but suddenly, something awoke me -with this expression, I mean, that suddenly, something chilling, happened: I felt that my whole body, was been electrified, then, I felt an undulant current, different to the first charge of energy, and it was moving inside my body, I also could hardly breathe: I was paralyzed, then, I started listening to very loud sounds, I tried to resist the whole experience, almost by instinct than by thought.
Everything was happening at the same time and very fast; when I tried to move, this energy and vibration would get worse; suddenly, that imposed darkness in the room, turned into light. What's happening? I thought. The light was extremely intense, but for some reason it did not blind me.
Then, with my eyes half open, I could see three figures, entities or beings, who definitely, were not human.
Their color was pearl like, not white, but I could notice that they were very thin, with big heads of ovoid form, they had hands, legs, long fingers, very, very long, they had four fingers, and small mouths, very thin noses and their eyes were like huge almonds.
Suddenly, it seemed that I could not take it any longer, and I lost consciousness. But to my great surprise, when I came back, I was not in my bedroom but in other place, where I could see that there was a light on top. My eyes were still half open, I could not open them completely, but I distinguished, that this place was huge, I could not see walls but could hear very intense sounds,  so loud, that I heard them in my whole head, I mean, inside my head; what happened next is that one of these beings, already described, came near me, to my left and another came on my right side, and I could clearly listened a voice that was not voice, but like an understanding with his own presence, who only said: " We are only observing you." Then...
To be continued...
Dear Visitor if you are receptive to these experiences, leave a short comment, which will be most appreciated.
When we receive 1,000 comments or opinions, we will continue this testimony.

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~ Read more Comments

-I thought that I was alone in the world

-I have memories since I was a child

-I had experiences that I could not understand

-Definitely, we are not alone

-I have constantly had so many experiences that I thought I was one of them

-It is true, it is true, it is true !

-If they can travel across space and
land on our planet they can probably access our internet system.

ny race that can master interstellar travel is unlikely to gain anything of great value from us

-This happened a very, very long time ago, and I am just only now coming out to report it.

-I have told only a few people, but I still wonder to this day exactly what I saw.

-My extraterrestrial experience goes like this...

-It was a large object with a rectangular base with a dome on top

-I am convinced that there is extraterrestrial life

-It was still daylight when I saw the UFO

-I saw one, it seemed like a ball of fire in the sky

-Next morning we went searching for the extraterrestrial footprints

-I was abducted, here is my story

-I heard strange noises at midnight out in my isolated house in the mountains,
when I went out, I saw the most strange beings

-My little boy disappear in the forest and when we found him, he
told stories about funny looking people who took him inside their ship

-Of course we are not alone

-Here is what happened to us

-Help, help, I have been abducted and I am scared to death

-What can I do to avoid their abductions?

-Your advice has been most helpful

-It was late at night, I was sleeping when they returned

-We thought that it was a nightmare but it was not, they are real

-Thank you for helping me

-Where do they come from?

-These extraterrestrials came together and attacked me

-We went many times to this isolated spot until that crazy day

-They look so weird !

-I thought that the extraterrestrial stuff was not real

-I am so scared! please help me, here is my information

-Will they be back?

-While I write to you, my family begs your help

-My story is very different

-Extraterrestrials? no, they are monsters

-Do they come in peace?

-How to defend my family ?

-The only recollection is being taken inside their ship

-It was very, very scary

-The children cried and shouted asking for help

-What places do they like best? so I can avoid them

-The dog barked as if with pain and when I went out

-They were so small, thin and they glowed in the dark

-Things have never been the same

-Horrible faces, horrible extraterrestrials

-If I could tell you ! but I can't

-I heard voices asking for help, I saw their ships, but nobody listened,
nobody helped

-What's going on with the extraterrestrials?

-I did not notice them, because they made no sound and when I saw
them, it was too late

-Be careful of isolated places at night, they could come and grab you

-What a painful experience!

-The extraterrestrials used us as guinea pigs

-There is no going back, I don't want to remember, sorry

-How many horrendous things were seeing inside their ship

-Some look like insects, other like birds

-They have such strange cold eyes

-Here is my story, please don't publish it

-They transform into human beings, so they can fool us

-I was coming back home in the middle of the night when I was captured

-Yes, they are out there watching

-I never believed in extraterrestrials until that ugly night

-My brother has seen them and says they are friendly

-Huge, animal like, this is what we saw

-It happened last year but please don't publish this story

-I have seen them since I was a child

-If you see extraterrestrials you are not dreaming, they are real

-Very scary, truly scary

-You may not believe but this is my true extraterrestrial story

-What will happen next with the extraterrestrials?


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Art and Inspirational Writings created and copyrighted
 Mr. Oscar Basurto Carbonell.

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